Art market
Famous painters
Painting techniques
Plan du site
Art market
Christie’s: one of the largest art auction houses
How do the prices of certain works explode?
Art market: how does an auction house work?
What is the relationship between artists and the art market?
Why has the art market grown?
Who is one of the most famous ceramists?
Musée d’Orsay: what are the must-see works?
Which museums can be viewed in augmented reality?
Why is Pierre Cardin an outstanding designer?
Famous painters
Who is the most famous painter in the world?
Vincent Van Gogh: the cursed painter
To whom do we owe the name impressionism?
Leonardo da Vinci a visionary painter!
Françoise de Felice: the splendour of Sicilian baroque!
What is Lyrical Abstraction?
What was the fate of Bernard Buffet
Painting techniques
What are the specificities of Biotechnical art?
Land art: a new trend in contemporary art?
Light Painting: a “luminous” art
What is dripping?